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Installing a simple Queuing tool in Django

Django-Q is a native Django task-queue and scheduler.

I like it because it can use your database as a data store rather than having to branch out to other tools like Redis.

And while Django-Q can handle Redis – the sites I work on have low queueing requirements.

In this post we’re going to install Django-Q.

I use pipenv for my virtual environment – but you can use pip and a venv if you like.

I’m going to assume you have a Django project all good to go and just want to install queueing.

Firstly – make sure you are in your pipenv shell and then install django-q:

pipenv shell
pipenv install django-q

Next, in your setting file – add django_q – make sure it has an underscore: django_q not django-q

    # other apps ...

Next migrate to create the tables:

python migrate

I am using the DjangoORM (the database) to be my queue broker. This is because my requirements are low. Docs are here.

In the settings file add this:

    'name': 'DjangORM',
    'workers': 4,
    'timeout': 90,
    'retry': 120,
    'queue_limit': 50,
    'bulk': 10,
    'orm': 'default'

Then to start the queue run this command:

python qcluster

You will get an output like this:

Just for fun – you can also open another terminal tab, ensure you’re in your pipenv shell and type:

python qmonitor

Logging into admin should give you this extra group of tables:

To do things with the queue in development I have one terminal running python runserver and another terminal running python manage qcluster

Then as you add tasks to the queue the qcluster terminal updates with what it’s doing.

I am usually flipping between the terminal, the admin and PyCharm (my editor) as I’m developing things dealing with the queue.

That’s it! Your queue is set up!

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