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Passing custom variables into Django Forms

When working with forms in Django, there might be instances where you need to pass additional variables into the form to render extra data.

Sometimes you need to pass in variables to do things like limit the choices for a field or the like.

In this post, we’ll explore how to pass a variable called your_important_var into a form named YourAwesomeForm, and we’ll render it in a view called YourAwesomeView. Let’s check it out!

Creating YourAwesomeForm

First, we’ll create a form called YourAwesomeForm. We’ll use the __init__ method to accept the extra variable your_important_var. It’s crucial to register this variable before calling the super() method to ensure proper initialization.

It’s crucial to register this variable before calling the super() method to ensure proper initialization.

from django import forms

class YourAwesomeForm(forms.Form):
    some_field = forms.CharField()

    def __init__(self, *args, your_important_var=None, **kwargs):
        self.your_important_var = your_important_var
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # the rest of your form code...

Creating YourAwesomeView

Next, we’ll create a Function Based View called YourAwesomeView to handle the form. We’ll pass the variable your_important_var into the form when initializing it.

from django.shortcuts import render
from .forms import YourAwesomeForm

def YourAwesomeView(request):
    your_important_var = "Some Important Data" # Often a call to the db
    form = YourAwesomeForm(your_important_var=your_important_var)

    return render(request, 'your_template.html', {'form': form})

Using your_important_var in the Template

You can now use your_important_var within the form to render extra data or customize the form as needed.


Passing variables into forms in Django is a powerful way to make your forms show contextual data.

By defining the variable in the form’s __init__ method before calling super(), you ensure that the variable is properly initialized within the form.

This approach keeps your code clean and adheres to Django’s best practices. So, next time you need to add a bit of flair to your forms, remember this handy technique. Cheers!

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