Andy Ide featured on Django Chat
On Oct 27th, 2022, I was featured on Django Chat – the largest Django podcast in the world. We discussed: Listen to the podcast here!
On Oct 27th, 2022, I was featured on Django Chat – the largest Django podcast in the world. We discussed: Listen to the podcast here!
An ongoing meme about CSS and Web Development in general is that centering items such as a div is a lot harder than it needs to be. I was once asked in an interview how to center text in a… Read More »How to Center Items Horizontally and Vertically using Bootstrap 5
One of the easiest queues to implement in Django is Django-Q. It is straightforward to tell it to use your database for its management, rather than needing to go to Redis or Celery (although these options are available). You’ll find… Read More »How to find the number of items on the ORM queue using Django-Q
We all do it. Yes we all use print for debugging.
Should we do it? Maybe.
Should we feel guilty about it? No!
Django-Q is a native Django task-queue and scheduler. I like it because it can use your database as a data store rather than having to branch out to other tools like Redis. And while Django-Q can handle Redis – the… Read More »Installing a simple Queuing tool in Django
I was building a form today in django-unicorn and wanted to implement a radio button. This is how you do it: This will render to: The main trick for rendering radio buttons is to write unicorn:model=”new_event_frequency” in each radio html… Read More »Adding a radio button using django-unicorn
For those you run pipenv install django-unicorn And you get a dependency resolution conflict relating to orjson like this: Then you are probably running a 32 bit version of python. orjson needs a 64 bit version. To fix this I… Read More »Resolving orjson dependency conflict when installing django-unicorn in Windows
Sometimes we need to create a secret key, but we don’t want to go to a website and generate it. While I’m sure those websites are generally good guys – it only takes one bad guy stealing secret keys and… Read More »Create a Django Secret Key in your Terminal
Say you have a model that handles images like this: To get it showing in your template you need these settings (here all files go into the media directory): THEN in your main file you need this line so… Read More »Displaying uploaded images in Django
Recently I had the following model that held a list of countries: And my admin file was like this: Problem was in the Django Admin the incorrect plural was rendered: Now as a person of style and class it is… Read More »Adjusting the Plural of a Model in Django Admin